"Before." Notre Dame Review 52 (Fall/Winter 2021).
"The Jim Crow Dope." Bangalore Review 8.9 (March 2021).
"Culture of the Company." Sou'wester 48 (Spring 2020).
"Him and Me." r.k.v.r.y. (Oct. 2019)
"Doll." Prime Number Magazine 137 (July-September 2018).
"Salsa Verde." South 85 (Spring-Summer 2018).
"Find Out Moonshine." Red Earth Review 5 (2017) .
"Parrot." MUSE. (Spring 2016).
“Nouvelle Cuisine.” The Radvocate 14 (2016).
"Dear Aunt J." Short Story N.S. 21. 2 (2015).
“Something for Dinner.” Cherry Tree : A National Literary Journal 1 (2015).
"The Functions of a Story." Potomac Review 56 (2015).
“Capuchin. ” Superstition Review 14 (2014).
“On Cherry Street.” Pembroke 46 (2014).
“Sacrament. ” Ilanot Review (Winter 2014).
“Reflexology.” The Double Dealer (2013).
“Far.” Whistling Fire (Summer 2013).
“Homeroom.” theNewer York (June 2013).
“Home Visit.” Gemini Magazine (July 2013).
“The Dealer’s Brother. Versal 11 (2013).
“Superstore,” The Pinch 32.2 (Fall 2012).
“My Word.” Literary Mama (12 June 2012).
“No. 117.” Mobius: The Journal of Social Change 22.4 (Winter 2011).
“The Evangelist.” New Delta Review Online 1 (10 Jan. 2011).
“Range of Motion.” Sou’wester 39.2 (Spring 2011).
“Burnt Norway.” Exquisite Corpse: A Journal of Letters and Life (17 Dec. 2009).
“Haunted.” Seattle Review n.s. 2.1 (2009).
“A World in My Pane.” Eureka Literary Magazine 16.1/2 (Spring 2008).
“Lifting a Hammer.” New Writing: The International Journal for the Practice and Theory of Creative Writing 5.2 (2008).
“Neo-Samaritan.” Boston Literary Magazine (Spring 2008).
“A Study of Morning.” Sou’wester 36.1 (Fall 2007).
“Afterword.” Quick Fiction 12 (Oct. 2007).
“Visa.” Arkansas Literary Forum 9 (2007).
“Red and Blue.” Red Wheelbarrow 7 (2006).
“Bugs.” Red Wheelbarrow 7 (2006).
“Genesis Two.” Wild Violet Online Magazine 5.1
“Hairy Palms.” 13th Warrior Review 5.8
“Morning Meal.” Dana Literary Society Online Journal (June 2005)
“Selling Price.” Sou’wester 33.2 (Spring 2005).
“Beaten.” Oasis 13.1 (2005).
“Easy Prey.” The Laurel Review 38.2 (2004).
“Call Me Eve.” Timbercreek Review 10.1 (2004).
“Three of Us.” Pangolin Papers 11.1 (2004).
“A Desert Has No Exits.” Pedestal Magazine 22
“Doorknobs.” Mid-South Review (Jan.-Mar. 2004)
“Proof.” The First Line 5.4 (2003).
“Mendicant.” Crazyhorse 63 (2003).
“Cell Biology.” The First Line 5.1 (2003).
“Going to Harry’s.” Red Wheelbarrow 3 (2002).
“Blind Date.” South Carolina Review 33 (2001).
“Chicago.” Quarter After Eight 8 (2001).
“Meeting Him.” Windhover 5 (2000).
“Wedgwood Blue.” Southern Humanities Review 34 (2000).
“The Face.” Blackwater Review (1998/99).
“Daily Reckoning.” Kiosk 11/12 (1998/99).
“a.k.a. ‘The Singing Bone.’” Short Stories Bi-Monthly (August 1999).
“Running.” Chiron Review 59 (1999).
“Sun Moon Earth Stars.” Short Stories Bi-Monthly (July 1998).
“Rescue.” Oasis. 6.4 (1998).
“Kind of a Demonstration or Explanation of How I Came to a Decision About Ma.” Chiron Review 53 (1998).
“The Burglar.” Taproot Literary Review (1997).
“Drew.” Wind 79 (1997).
“What Happened That Night at Betty’s.” The Southwestern Review (1996).
“Ventriloquism.” The Southwestern Review (1995).
“Escape to Ash.” Appalachian Voice. Richmond, KY: KY Story, 2014.
“Explaining the Dog Colony.” Redacted Story. Richmond, KY: KY Story, 2014.
“Afterword.” Rptd. in This Is Not a True Story: An Anthology from UL-Lafayette's Creative Writing Program.
Lafayette, LA: Nous-zot, 2013.
“Proof.” Rptd. in The Best of The First Line, Editors’ Picks 2002-2006. Plano, TX: Blue Cubicle, 2008.
“Selling Price.” Rptd. in Tartts 3. Livingston, AL: Blue Swallow, 2007.
“The Burglar.” Rptd.in Tartts: Incisive fiction from Emerging Writers. Livingston, AL: Blue Swallow, 2005.
“The Body He Went to Bed With.” Chick for a Day. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2000.
“Allat.” Exquisite Corpse Annual 2 (2010).
“Unbottomed Lines.” The Southwestern Review (1994).
“Evening Etude.” The Southwestern Review (1994).
“Disciples.” Phoebe 20 (1990).
“Was: An Epitaph.” Phoebe 19 (1989).
“After Snow.” Virginia Literary Review (1983).
“Recollection of Miranda July.” Guiding Us to You, an online gallery (2014).
“My Life in 500 Words.” Guiding Us to You, an online gallery (2014).
“Thirteen More Miles.” 1966: A Journal of Creative Nonfiction 1.2 (Fall 2013).
“A Minute Inside the Ocean Café, July 1980.” Squalorly. (Summer 2013).
Included in “Ruminations and Memories of Spring.” The Libertine April 2005: 3.
“No Moral Values Exist in Bush Administration.” The Echo 1 Dec. 2004: 5.
“Teaching 112.” The Adjunct 1 (1992).
"Sniper." Forthcoming in 2021 in The Fifth Plinth.
My Word. Foliate Oak (Dec. 2013).